McCarthy: "Tsarukyan can kick Makhachev's ass in a fight"

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 12, 2024, 2:27 a.m.

Famous referee John McCarthy spoke out about the fight between UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev and Arman Tsarukyan, which will take place on January 18 at UFC 311 in Los Angeles, USA.

"You just can't think of a better fight. Islam proved that he is an incredible champion. But if you look stylistically, who can stand up to Makhachev is Tsarukyan. Arman can kick Makhachev's ass in wrestling. He has also become better in the stand-up, he has become smarter as a fighter. In their first fight, Islam managed to get the win, but that was a long time ago, Arman says this fight will be different," McCarthy said on the Weighing In podcast.



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