Yanez predicted the winner of the fight Makhachev - Tsarukyan

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 7, 2024, 4:03 a.m.

American UFC lightweight fighter Adrian Yanez shared his prediction for the upcoming lightweight division title fight between Islam Makhachev and Arman Tsarukyan.

"Ugh, this is one of those fights that I just want to sit back and watch and not comment on. Because I don't know what's going to happen. I'm betting on Islam, but I wouldn't be surprised if Arman gets the win. This is a dream fight for me. The first fight between them was a close one. So I'm expecting an exciting spectacle," Yanez said in an interview with James Lynch.

Recall that the fight between Makhachev and Tsarukyan will be the main event of the UFC 311 tournament, which will be held on January 18 in Los Angeles, USA.



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