Rakhmonov tells who could be his opponent at UFC 310

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 3, 2024, 10:23 a.m.

Undefeated Kazakhstani welterweight Shavkat Rakhmonov has named the fighters who were offered to fight him at UFC 310.

Initially, Rakhmonov was supposed to have a title fight with Belal Muhammad, but the champion withdrew due to health problems. As a result, Shavkat's new opponent was Ian Harry.

"As I know, they offered them to meet me, but Colby immediately refused, Prates had an injury, and Kamaru initially accepted the fight, but eventually refused," Rakhmonova told Submission Radio.

Recall that the tournament UFC 310 will take place on the night of December 8 in Las Vegas, USA.



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