Tsarukyan named the recipe for victory over Makhachev

The number one ranked UFC lightweight Arman Tsarukyan told how he needs to act to expect to defeat the division's current champion Islam Makhachev.

"You have to be the best everywhere, be ready for a tough five rounds, to have a good gas tank, good wrestling defense, good boxing, good taekwondo. If you bring everything to a good level, don't let him do what he likes to do, beat him in those moments, you can beat him comfortably.

He's a regular person. Some champions win obviously. The people who come out against them lack confidence - they think, what will the champion do? I don't think what Islam will do. I think what I will do, what attack I will carry out," Tsarukyan said in an interview with Red Corner MMA.

Earlier it became known that the fight between Makhachev and Tsarukyan may take place in January.