Ortega recalled taking the fight with Khabib on short notice

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 12, 2024, 4 a.m.

Former UFC featherweight title challenger Brian Ortega revealed how he agreed to fight Khabib Nurmagomedov on short notice in 2017.

"I was at my house, I got a call from Dayna White. It was about a week before the tournament, Dane told me, 'We need someone to fight Khabib, bro.' I'm like, "All right, let's do it." And White was like, "Are you serious?!" I'm like, "Yeah." I think he was shocked. I mean, the whole world would have said I was gonna get my ass kicked. That's great. But I always wanted to test my jiu-jitsu against combat sambo or freestyle wrestling," MMA Junkie quoted Ortega as saying.


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