Ancalaev: "The UFC is hiding Pereira from me for a reason"

Dmitriy Kel July 10, 2024, 1:20 p.m.

Former UFC bantamweight title challenger Magomed Ankalaev continues to push for a fight with current champion Alex Pereira.

"The UFC is hiding Pereira from me for a reason, and I understand it's a business. But in the UFC, the best fights the best, and right now he's the best. I, on the other hand, will continue to do my job for now. I'm going to knock him out. Mick Maynard, Dane White, there's nothing better for you than to see him go to bed somehow. I'll do it with Alex. I promise you.

At the end of the year, he'll be lying on his back, looking up at the light on the ceiling and asking his corner, "Are we back in Brazil yet?" I promise. I will knock him out," Ancalaev wrote in X.



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