Juban: "I would advise Porier to end his career"

Dmitriy Kel June 4, 2024, 6:18 p.m.

Retired American mixed martial arts fighter Alan Jouban shared his thoughts on the defeat of his friend, former UFC interim lightweight champion Dustin Puryear to full titleholder Islam Makhachev.

Puryear lost to Makhachev by choke prelim in the fifth round this past weekend at UFC 302.

"I haven't spoken to Dustin yet after the fight. I would advise him to end his career. He's already made enough money. People want a fight for the belt and a fight against McGregor. Dustin had both.

Porier lost the fight and people respect him even more. It was a fight against the best fighter on the planet outside of weight classes who thought Dustin was the easiest opponent for him. But Dustin put Makhachev in the most dangerous position this Dagestani has ever been in. This is a defeat after which you can live with your head held high. And finish his career," Dzhuban said in an interview with MMA Fighting.



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