What time is Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores tonight? Ringwalks, schedule, streaming links

Undefeated super bantamweight fighters Arturo Popoca and Danny Barrios Flores meet tonight at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona. This undercard event paves the way for the main bout featuring Juan Francisco Estrada against Jesse Rodriguez.

Arturo Popoca turned professional in 2021 and boasts a record of 13 wins, including eight knockouts, with no losses and one draw. His most recent fight saw him win by unanimous decision against Ernesto Garcia Flores in February 2024. Danny Barrios Flores, who also started his professional career in 2019, carries a perfect record of 15 wins with five knockouts. In March, he too secured a victory via unanimous decision over Brayan Ramos Armenta. Both fighters have shown consistent performance in their careers, but Popoca's slightly higher knockout percentage suggests he might carry more power into tonight’s match.

What time is Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores fight

Live coverage for the Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores main card will start at 09:00 PM EST on DAZN. Refer to the table below to find your local time.

Region Date Main Card Start Time Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores Ring Walks (approx.)
USA and Canada (EST) Saturday, June 29, 2024 09:00 PM 10:10 PM
USA and Canada (PT) Saturday, June 29, 2024 06:00 PM 07:10 PM
UK and Ireland (GMT) Sunday, June 30, 2024 01:00 AM 02:10 AM
Australia (AEDT) Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:00 PM 01:10 PM

The boxing match between Arturo Popoca and Danny Barrios Flores is set for tonight at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The ring walks are scheduled for 10:10 PM EST. This fight is part of the undercard event, leading up to the main event featuring Juan Francisco Estrada vs Jesse Rodriguez.

Arturo Popoca will face Danny Barrios Flores in a super bantamweight category bout that consists of 10 rounds. Please note that the start time of the ring walks might change depending on how long earlier fights last.

For viewers outside of EST, check local listings to match the start time in your time zone.

How and where to watch the Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores Fight

You can watch Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores via DAZN.

Country Price per month Price per year
Canada First month free, then $29.99/mo or $19.99/mo with annual subscription. $239.88
UK and Ireland First month free, then £24.99/mo or £14.99/mo with annual subscription. £179.88
Australia $13.99 per month -
USA First month free, then $29.99/mo or $19.99/mo with annual subscription. $239.88
Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores live stream is available on DAZN on most devices, including Android phones, tablets, iPhones, and iPads.

Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores Betting Odds

  • Favorite: Arturo Popoca : 1.5 (-200)
  • Underdog: Danny Barrios Flores : 3.1 (+215)
Method of victory Arturo Popoca Danny Barrios Flores
By KO/TKO or disqualification 3.2 (+220) 10.0 (+900)
By decision or technical decision 2.4 (+138) 4.4 (+340)

Arturo Popoca is the solid favorite against Danny Barrios Flores, showing at 1.5 (-200) odds. This indicates you need to bet $200 on Popoca to win just $100. Conversely, a $100 bet on underdog Barrios Flores could yield a $215 profit with his odds at 3.1 (+215). Popoca’s chances of winning by KO/TKO/DQ stand at 3.2 (+220), reflecting decent potential for a knockout. However, betting on him winning by points or decision appears slightly more favored at 2.4 (+138). Those backing Barrios Flores by KO face steeper odds at 10.0 (+900), suggesting a knockout from him is unlikely but highly rewarding if it does occur.

Fighters Details

Arturo Popoca

  • Nationality: Mexico
  • Stance: Orthodox
  • Height: 168cm
  • Total Fights: 14
  • Record: 13 / 0 / 1

Danny Barrios Flores

  • Nationality: USA
  • Stance: Southpaw
  • Height: 168cm
  • Total Fights: 15
  • Record: 15 / 0 / 0

Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores Fight Card

  • Juan Francisco Estrada vs Jesse Rodriguez
  • Sunny Edwards vs Adrian Curiel
  • Yamileth Mercado vs Ramla Ali
  • Arturo Popoca vs Danny Barrios Flores
  • Leonardo Rubalcava vs William Flenoy
  • Fabian Rojo vs Daniel Gonzalez
  • Gabriel Muratalla vs Carlos Fontes