The legendary Lewis named the best opponent in his career

Dmitriy Kel Nov. 8, 2023, 11:29 a.m.

Former undisputed world heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis stated that the main challenge in his career was the fight with the former American title holder in two divisions Evander Holyfield.

ā€œHolyfield had a lot of variety in his defense. HeĀ could cross his arms like George Foreman, butĀ was also adept at the traditional defensive techniques taught in theĀ amateurs.

Evander presented an incredible challenge, andĀ it took a lot of effort to overcome him. IĀ couldn't just throw one or two hits to get results. These had to be combinations ofĀ three, four or five hits. So Holyfield was the best opponent of my career,ā€ Lewis said in an interview with The Ring.

Let us remember that the first meeting between Lewis and Holyfield took place in March 1999 and ended in a draw via a split decision. Eight months later, the rivals had a rematch; the Briton was unanimously declared the winner.



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