Huseynov: "Emelianenko is not an alcoholic. You don't know how much he suffered in life"

Alexander Emelianenko

MMA fighter Artur Guseinov of Russia spoke about his attitude towards Alexander Emelianenko in whose team he once trained.

"Alexander Emelianenko is such a character... He's actually not a bad fighter. I don't know, but for me he's a good person. I was on his team, and he did everything for the team. I got nothing but good feelings for him. Him and his brother. I'm very happy to talk to them. No matter who says what, they are decent guys. And they say all sorts of things about me. It's a good thing when they do. It means you're interesting. It's bad when they don't.

"When we fought in Rostov, Alexander always took me out to fight. Me, Adlan Amagov, the other guys. And he also did a birthday party for me. He made a surprise, he laid the table, invited guests. I still remember it was in Kislovodsk at the training camp. To this day I am grateful to him. Some might say: he's an alcoholic. But his popularity hasn't gone down because of it, right? As soon as he appears somewhere, people rush to take photos with him, not as with an alcoholic. I don't think he is an alcoholic. Why not? Because you do not know how much he suffered in life," Huseynov said.

On September, 18, Emelianenko fights against blogger-fighter Artem Tarasov. The fight will be held by boxing rules, but with MMA gloves.