Kharitonov explained why he is not a patriot of Russia

Sergey Kharitonov

Russian Bellator heavyweight Sergey Kharitonov told why he does not consider himself a patriot of his country.

"I cannot call myself a patriot of my country. I make my money not in Russia, but in America and Japan. And here I am poor man. I love my country, where I grew up and was brought up. My parents and children live in Russia. As they say, I don't know another country where one can breathe so freely, but to earn money...

"I only started earning money in Russia when I went up abroad. If I would have stayed in Russia and never left the country I would have fought for $200-300 and worked as a taxi driver, a longshoreman or a security guard," Kharitonov said.

Kharitonov will fight Frenchman Chek Kongo on August 20 at Bellator 265.