Quigg: I Know Oscar Valdez's Weaknesses

Andrew Karlov Jan. 4, 2018, 1:14 p.m.
Scott Quigg
Scott Quigg

Scott Quigg, who could become the next opponent of WBO featherweight champion Oscar Valdez, said he was well acquainted with the weaknesses of his potential rival in their sparring last year. The fight between Valdez and Quigg could take place on March 10 at the StubHub Center in California.

"It should be a great fight. We shared the ring and had some sparring last year when I was preparing for Viorel Simion, and if those four or five spars are anything to go by then the fans are in for a real cracker," Quigg said.

"The reason I came out to Los Angeles to work with Freddie Roach was for that sort of sparring, and that showed me I made the correct decision," Quigg said.

"I know what he can do. I know his attributes and his weaknesses, but he can say the same for me. It's a voluntary defence so they've decided to pick me for a reason, but I'm very confident of winning. It's a fight that really excites me. He brings dangers and he's probably hitting his peak at the moment. Hopefully it will be finalised soon. If everything that has been discussed and has been agreed is then put into the contract then it's on."



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