Tsarukyan: "Makhachev wants to avoid our fight"

Dmitriy Kel March 16, 2024, 1:51 p.m.

UFC top lightweight Arman Tsarukyan commented on the desire of the division's champion Islam Makhachev to make a belt defense against Dustin Puryear.

"I think Makhachev wants to avoid our fight. He feels that I will beat him. It's better for Islam to fight Porye than me because I'm more dangerous, I'm good at wrestling.

Maybe Islam wants to make more money by fighting Puryear, so he's interested. But for now it doesn't matter - I'm focused on the fight against Oliveira, because this is one of the most dangerous fighters in the division," Tsarukyan said in an interview with Morning Kombat.

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Recall that Makhachev and Tsarukyan have already met in the octagon. Their first fight took place in 2019 and ended with Islam's victory by unanimous decision of the judges.



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