Glory 83: watch online, stream links

Glory 83 kickboxing tournament will be held in Germany today. The broadcast of the prelims starts at 20:00 and will be shown for free on the official Glory YouTube channel. But the main card will be shown on a paid basis. The broadcast price is $10.



Fight map:

Main card:

Sergey Masloboev - Doneghi Abena. Light heavyweight title fight;

Donovan Wisse - Cesar Almeida. Middleweight title fight;

Serkan Ozkaglayan - Sergey Brown. Middleweight fight;

Herrick Bille - Chihad Aquipa. Lightweight bout;

Jos van Belzen - Robin Chirich. Welterweight bout;

Uku Jürjendal - Nabil Khachab. Heavyweight fight;

Ahmad Chik Musa - Berjan Peposhi. Featherweight fight.


Chris Wunn - Jonathan Maezo. A light weight;

Sorin Kalinyuk - Arman Gambaryan. A light weight.